Now, master administrators may add custom content to Pages and post additional items that can be viewed by public users. To start adding content, go to the Page you want to edit, click the Settings icon, and hit the “Left Nav Content” link. The link takes you to the Left Nav Content Page where you need to click on the “Add Left Nav Content” to add any item(s) on the selected Page. Here you can add the title and the content body. Once done, click Save. After saving the content, you will be brought back to the Left Nav Content page. Here you can: 1. Edit the sharing option a. Current - shares the content only with the current Page b. All – shares the content with all Pages within the program c. Select Page – shares the content with selected Page(s). Here you can manually add the Page(s) where you want the content to be included 2. Change the Order 3. Set Online or Offline 4. Copy 5. Delete |